Academy Member: Mac Martin

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Mac Martin has embraced the celebration of Coastal Americana’s burgeoning popularity with the 2022 tropical themed album “Margarita Skies”. This album is dedicated to Troprock! Mac is a 4th Generation Floridian, lives in the small town of Arcadia, near Punta Gorda, but grew up exploring the barrier islands of Pine Island Sound, Sanibel, and Boca Grande.

Mac loves to perform his original songs at events, festivals, and music venues.  In 2013, his song “Ed Watson” was a Top Ten- Will McLean Best New Florida Song Contest winner. “Wrinkles In Rhyme” in which Mac played most of the instruments. Mac composed the soundtrack for two award winning documentary films: “Cowboys of Florida” and “Cracker- The Last Cowboys of Florida. “Cowboys of Florida” won Florida Choice Award in Independent’s Film Festival and finalist in Palm Beach International Film Festival in 2007.  The song “Florida Cowboy”, with lyrics by Victor Milt, has gotten international exposure.  Much of what Mac writes are love songs, some favorites were written for family member’s weddings. Mac Martin has several albums including “Nashville Waits”, “Debut aLa Americana” 2013, “Wrinkles in Rhyme” 2013, “All the Good Things I’ve Got” 2005, and “Live at Crowley”. You can find his music on Itunes, Spotify, Amazon and other online locations.