House Venue: The Habitat
The Habitat is the private home of Ken and Heather Settlemyer who are passionate about the importance of nurturing both local plant and animal wildlife and independent musicians.
The concept of the House Concert is to provide a venue where musicians can come to be heard by those whose primary intention is to listen rather than to have music in the background. We will be inviting musicians to perform at The Habitat approximately once per month.
We are proud to maintain over 1/4 acre of wilderness within an urban environment, providing much needed habitat for a variety of native species. We plant only native species and manage or eliminate the non native species in that area. We are delighted to play host, not just to excellent musicians, but to a plethora of beautiful butterflies.
The Habitat is BYOE and a donation for the musicians. This is completely not for profit, all donations go in entirety to the artists, some of whom will have traveled from out of state! Food to share is always welcomed, but not required.
We respect our neighbors and all noise ordinances and time the concerts in consideration of both. We sincerely hope you join us when you are able.
You are also welcome to stop by and ask Ken for a tour, he will be proud to show you our work in progress as we make a miniature wildlife preserve in the middle of Bradenton FL, a haven for bees, birds, bats and butterflies!
Find out more at http://www.thehabitathouseconcerts.com/